Encouraging and empowering people to live victorious lives in Christ

Are you resilient?

This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to be the worship leader at a church’s 127th anniversary (it was a great celebration!).  As I read the church’s history, I thought about the fact that over 127 years, the members of the church had to be resilient to continue the church’s work for all those years.  What does resiliency mean?  

One of the definitions of resiliency from Dictionary.com is “the ability of a person to adjust to or readily recover from illness, adversity, major life changes, etc.” I would imagine that over 127 years, the church faced many challenging times, and yet, they are still in existence today and fulfilling their mission!

What about you?  Each of us will face (or has faced) challenges and adversity. How do we handle them? Do we allow them to derail our goals and purpose, or are we resilient and “adjust to or readily recover” from them?  We have a choice in how we use what’s happened to us; we can choose to be stuck in the negative or we choose to use difficulties to make us better. I encourage you to choose the latter!

Use the past to learn lessons that can serve you in the future.  Use the past to remind you that if you survive one difficult experience that you can survive another one.  Use your memory of the past to remind you of how far you’ve come.  Then move forward with resiliency! 

Life happens to all of us, but we don’t have to allow it to stop us!  When I experienced challenges, I needed to pause for a little while to recover emotionally and mentally, but then I kept going.  It’s ok to pause…just don’t stop!

I hope this message helps you in whatever you may be facing. Resiliency is key to ensuring your success, even in the face of hard things.

Are you leading with love?

There seems to be a lot of doctrinal debate going on in the Christian world lately. I won’t take the time to list what’s being discussed, but if you follow some Christian influencers, you know what some of the topics are.  While Christians will probably never agree on everything regarding doctrine, what saddens me is that some of the debaters are callous, mean and downright disrespectful as they attempt to make their cases.  They don’t seem to be leading with love.

We may feel strongly about what we believe is correct, and there is nothing wrong with that.  The fact is…none of us has all doctrine 100% correct!  None of us has a biblical text that is an exact copy of the original (because the original manuscripts were lost many centuries ago).  So, we may be missing it in some areas.  Just because we may not agree on some issues, does that mean we treat each other with contempt?  I think not!

Meanwhile, the world is watching us Christians debate among ourselves, displaying disunity.  What Jesus said in John 13:35 is appropriate here: 

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

How will the world know that we are true followers of Jesus?  By our love for one another!  Where we disagree, we can show love, extend grace and be patient with one another.  Since our goal is to win souls for the Kingdom of God, can we put our differences aside and work together to bring as many people to Heaven with us as we can?

I would love to hear your comments; feel free to share them below.

Let’s lead with love today!

If you’ve been listening to the news lately, you know that there is a lot going on around the world as well as in our local communities. And we have such busy lives that sometimes we can’t keep up with ourselves!  It can be overwhelming to take it all in.  When I write to you, I often challenge you to make plans and work on your goals so you can achieve what you are called to do. Today, I want to encourage you to do something simple:  be grateful.

No matter what’s happening around us, no matter what’s going on in our lives, there is SOMETHING that we can be thankful for!  It could be our children, our families, our health, good weather, food in the refrigerator or a job.  Whatever it is, and no matter how or big or small, we can be grateful!  Our lives may not be all we want them to be, but we can be grateful for the desire to be better today than we were yesterday!

One of the things I’m thankful for today is cooler weather!  After I write this message, I plan to go for a walk and enjoy the fall temperatures.  

What are you grateful for today? 

In one of the online devotionals I read during the week, the scripture came from the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).  It’s a familiar passage, but as I read it a few days ago, it really resonated with me in a different way.  

You probably know the story: while a man was traveling, he was assaulted by robbers and left for dead. Two religious leaders passed by without helping him, but a Samaritan man (considered to be an outcast in Jewish society) was the one who had compassion for the injured person.  The Samaritan helped the injured man, brought him to a place of safety and instructed an innkeeper to care for him (and provided money for his care).  He went out of his way to help this man and showed compassion and kindness to him.

It’s not enough to read these stories and agree how good they are. 🙂  They should cause us to evaluate our own lives.  How compassionate am I? How kind am I? Am I more concerned about myself and how I may be inconvenienced when presented with the opportunity to help someone?  When we are compassionate and kind, we are demonstrating God’s love for others. 

Our kindness doesn’t have to be something as extravagant as what the Samaritan did for the injured man. Earlier today, I called into my benefits center to ask a question. When I explained my situation (my question was regarding something I was expecting to receive as a result of my separation from my former company), before the representative answered my question, she expressed her sympathy regarding my separation from the company.  It was kind of her to be concerned about how I was feeling after this life changing event.  And it didn’t take much effort for her to share that with me.  While I am doing well in this new season, she didn’t know that and wanted me to know that she cared!

What can you do today to show kindness and compassion to someone?  I encourage you to be intentional about this; you never know what the person on the other end of your kindness needs in that moment.  Our compassion can be a beacon of hope in a dark moment in time. Our kindness can be just the thing that person needs to change a negative outlook into a positive one!    Be the light of kindness and compassion today!

by Brenna Fields Hayes

2021 has been a year of firsts and change for me. My first book “Returning to Wholeness” was released in late 2020, so 2021 was filled with several new experiences (podcast appearances, book fairs, speaking engagements, and new ministry opportunities). As I reflect on the year, I realized that these were things I’d prayed for over the last few years, not having an idea of how or when they would come to pass.

As I began to reflect on how God has kept me and blessed me in 2021, I asked myself these questions: “What did I learn in 2021? What lesson from this year will I carry into future years?”

Before I reveal what the lesson is, let me share a little bit about what’s been happening over the last 18 months. There was a period in the middle of 2020 when I decided to look for a new ministry opportunity. I found a company that matches churches with open position and potential candidates. I submitted the required paperwork and interviewed with the company, explaining what kind of position I was looking for. The meeting went well (or so I thought), and the interviewer said he would get back to me a few days with a strategy on how we could move forward.

Well…to this day, I have not heard back from the interviewer (not even an email to say the company no longer wanted to work with me). Imagine my disappointment…we left our conversation on a very positive note (or so I thought), and I was left wondering what went wrong. Nothing went wrong… God closed that door. I had taken my search for a new opportunity into my own hands, and God, in His wisdom, shut that down! After I got out of my feelings, I decided to take my hands off this part of my life, while I continued to serve in the ministry position I was in.

Fast forward to November of 2020. I receive a direct message on social media from a local pastor. He shared that he had been listening to my weekly teachings on Facebook (God had instructed me to do my weekly messages again after a hiatus) and was very interested in meeting with me to get to know me.

To make a long story short…we met, we began dating, and we were married in July of 2021. Not only did God bless me with a godly mate, but he also blessed with me a new ministry opportunity.

So, what’s the lesson for me in 2021 is…let God be God! We may sometimes get impatient while we wait for the things we’ve prayed for. Proverbs 3:5-6 comes to mind here. As I was waiting for the answer to my prayer to provide a new opportunity, I decided to lean on my own understanding (thankfully, God quickly reversed what I was trying to do). When I chose to be obedient and “trust in the Lord with all my heart”, God opened a door that no man can shut!

Another scripture that comes to mind is Psalm 37:5: “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will act” (ESV). Once I committed my way to God, he acted in ways I could never have imagined.

Lastly, as I waited, I needed to lean on Romans 8:28 (all things work together for the good of them who love God and are called according to His purpose). I had to trust that a closed door of opportunity meant that God would open a better for me. And that definitely was the case!

As we prepare to enter a new year in a few days, I encourage you to take some time to reflect on what you learned in 2021. How has the lesson impacted you? And now that you’ve learned the lesson, how will you move forward into 2022?

Happy Holidays!

Have you ever found yourself facing several life changes and issues all at the same time?  They are not necessarily bad things, but the number of them and how quickly they seem to happen can be a bit overwhelming.  They can even be related to something we’ve been waiting for and even prayed for!  You may have known the change was coming, or it may have taken you by surprise.  Either way, dealing with change can be stressful. 

This is where I am in my life as I write this post.  Right now, I’m dealing with changes in my family/living situation, planning upcoming events for family members, helping a family member deal with a legal issue, and changes in ministry; they are all hitting at the same time!  One night, I couldn’t sleep thinking about a particular issue, trying to figure out the next steps to resolve it.  I was eventually able to go back to sleep and when I woke up a bit later, the song “My Help (Cometh From The Lord)” by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir was in my spirit (anybody besides me wake up sometimes with a song on your mind?) 

I believe that was God reminding me that He is my source to help me with all things and to address the issues I face.  He told me that I can be at rest as I work through everything that is going on right now.  And, He specifically told me exactly what I need to do about the one issue that had me awake that night; I receive the clarity I needed to move forward. 

The song by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir is based on Psalm 121 (one of my favorites).  The lyrics say that we should lift up our eyes to the hills, because this is where our help comes from.  The hills represent God, who is our Source (Psalm 121:1-2).  The psalm also tells us that God will keep us and that He does not sleep (He’s always watching out for us). God is always awake, so we don’t have to be!  The passage also says that God is our shade.  Think about a time when you were out in the hot sun (we do that a lot here in Florida!). The moment you find a shady spot, there’s a sigh of relief; the shade is a respite from harsh conditions and it’s protection so we don’t get sunburned.  God provides the same for us: relief, respite, and protection. Lastly, the psalm promises that God will ALWAYS protect us!  What a comforting scripture! 

Are you facing things today that are causing you to be stressed and overwhelmed?  I encourage you to read and meditate on all eight verses of Psalm 121.  I hope it blesses you as you face your challenges, changes, and issues (whether they be good or bad).  We can trust God to be with in the shifts, and we can trust Him to give us the help we need to face them all. 

I would love to hear from you!  Share your thoughts in the comments! 

Thanks for reading! 


For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NLT)

I recently returned from a trip out of town, and once we landed, I realized that a couple I knew was on the same flight.  As we made our way to baggage claim, we had an opportunity to catch up on things (I hadn’t seen them in several months).  They shared with me that they were preparing to leave our city and were departing in two days!  As we continue to talk, the wife noted that although they were excited about a new chapter in their lives, the move was bittersweet.  Leaving a place, people and relationships that have been in your life for over 20 years is not easy.  They were venturing out of their comfort zone and although that was a bit difficult, they were looking forward to the future.

As we all gathered our bags and said goodbye, I began to think about seasons.  The scripture from Ecclesiastes tells us that there a season for everything…to be born and to die, to remain and to leave, to plant and to reap. And just like the seasons of the year, these times come in and they leave.  What can we learn from each of our seasons?

As we are in a particular season, we should embrace it.  That may be a bit difficult to do when we are in a challenging season (2020 pandemic, losing a loved one, etc.).  Each season, no matter how difficult, has something to offer.  Be on the lookout for what that may be.   

As we embrace each season, what is the lesson that should be received from it?  One of the lessons I learned in my challenging season is not to ignore the still, small voice inside me. When I was in a season where finances were tight, I learned how to bargain shop.  We may learn how to persevere or to be more patient.  Whatever the lesson is, receive it and apply it to your life!

Seasons don’t last forever.  As we move from season to season, we can take the lessons with us into the next phase of life.  This is growth!  We are different than we were before…and hopefully we are better!  Using the lessons in the next season can also mean not repeating some of the behaviors of the last chapter.  If it no longer serves us, it should be left behind!

And as we transition to a new phase, we can look forward with anticipation to what God is going to do! Just like the couple I saw in the airport, they are looking forward to a new chapter, new experiences and new opportunities.  I, too, am in the middle of a season of transition.  I’m stepping out of my comfort zone, stepping out in faith, and venturing into something new and exciting.  And I can’t wait for how God is going to show up in the new season!

Don’t dread when seasons come and go…look forward to them with hope and anticipate the good that’s to come!

Stay Ready!

The title of this post is based on an expression that has become popular over the last few years: “stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.” My interpretation of it is that one must be ready and prepared for opportunities she has been waiting on at all times. Out of curiosity, I Google’d the phrase, and a multitude of blog posts and videos came up! I certainly am not going to regurgitate what these bloggers and vloggers shared, but I do want to share an experience I had recently that confirms this statement.

A few weeks ago, I ran across an opportunity to write an article for a magazine. On a whim, I decided to submit a piece and just see what would happen. I wrote the article, sent it in, and moved on to something else (I almost forgot I’d written it). On Monday of this week, I received an email from the publisher asking if I were available to appear on a live broadcast that day to preview my article, in anticipation of the magazine’s edition coming out in a few weeks. I had to re-read the email to make sure that she wanted me to be on the broadcast that same day. She indicated that she understood if I couldn’t appear on such short notice, but something said…”don’t let this opportunity pass you by!” 😊 I immediately said yes and began to get excited (and a bit nervous) about the event that was coming up really soon!

I’ve been on a few live events and podcasts promoting my book since it was released in November, but I’ve always had a few days’ or weeks’ notice to prepare. Not so on yesterday! Instead of weeks or even days, I only had a few hours to get it together! Other than a quick glance at the article (and a quick wardrobe change from my work-from-home attire), I was already ready!

What’s the lesson? We never know when an opportunity that we’ve been waiting for will suddenly appear! For me, this was a chance to appear live before an international audience (the publisher is based in the UK, and there were several listeners from around the world on the broadcast). And while this event was not about my book, I also had the chance to mention it, and the link for ordering was shared with the audience! We should be ready to pivot at all times to be able to take advantage these open doors!

What does “staying ready so you don’t have to get ready” look like? For me, it’s always having a few talking points in my head. Maybe it looks like anticipating what questions may be asked so you can answer them well. Maybe it means keeping a few copies of your book in your car in case you get an unanticipated sale. As a minister, it can mean always having a sermon ready in case a last-minute call comes to fill in for someone. What does this mean for you and what you do?

In a nutshell, this expression means, “preparation” and “flexibility.” Do the work needed to be ready, so that you can effortlessly speak, sing, dance, and do whatever it is you are passionate about. Then, be flexible enough so that you can move and respond quickly. If you’re already ready, you can step into those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities effortlessly!

Feel free to share this post!

by Brenna J. Fields

Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.”

John 4:39 (NIV)

There was a period in my life where I experienced death, divorce and their aftermath.  I was experiencing the loss of one loved one right after another, all while navigating a traumatic divorce.  Initially, I chose to be very private about what I was going through, but after starting to feel God’s power healing me from these challenges, I was moved to begin sharing my testimony.

The Samaritan Woman had a chance encounter with Jesus where He revealed that He was the Messiah on whom she has been waiting.  This interaction with Jesus has opened her eyes to Jesus and has given her a testimony.  What can we learn from this woman about our testimony?

There is power in our testimony because it provides proof of the realness of our God.  After her conversation with Jesus Christ, the Samaritan Woman rushed back to town to share her experience! She said, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” As a result of her testimony, many other Samaritans would come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and would believe, not just based on what she said, but came to know for themselves.

As a result of my testimony of how real God was in my life during tragedy, others have been encouraged to believe the same, and have been able to see God’s realness through their own challenging times.  A friend said that my testimony has allowed other to taste and see that God is good (Psalms 34:8) through it all!

I encourage you to, as you are led by God, to share your testimony.  It has the power to transform, empower and bless someone. Your testimony has the power to show them the Messiah.

To subscribe to my weekly coaching emails, please visit https://newseasonnewday.com

I received my second dose of the vaccine about 4 days ago, and today is the first day I have felt almost 100% normal.  The experts say it affects every person differently, and I know that to be true!  My almost 80-year-old father had very little side effects, while I seem to have had every last one of them!

Being down for the last few days has given me some time to think (between chills and body aches 😊) This is what I’ve learned:

Never take your health for granted

Good health is a blessing!  I assumed that my second dose wouldn’t affect me, so I had a whole agenda for the weekend planned.  I had no choice but to set most of it aside.  If you are relatively healthy, do your best to maintain it (eating healthy, exercise, self-care, etc.), and be intentional about taking care of yourself.

Pray for others

While I could do nothing, I was led to use that time to pray for others. After all, we really should be interceding on behalf of others anyway!  God kept reminding me of people who were experiencing difficulties, and I would stop and pray for them right then, or even send them a text message to let them know I was praying.  As you are going through, don’t forget there are others also experiencing challenges.

Allow people who care about you to help you

I was raised to be independent, but sometimes, we need the help and support of others.  When I really started to feel the effects of the second dose, I thought I would be able to go to the store myself to get Tylenol and other things, but my body would not let me.  I’m grateful for friends who checked on me and went to the store for me.  We are not super men and women; set pride aside and allow others to be a blessing to you.

Listen to your body

If your body says rest, then rest!  If your body craves water, then drink it!  Your body will tell you exactly what you need; all we have to do is pay attention to it.

Count your blessings

While most of my Easter Weekend (including my vacation day on Good Friday) was spent at home, I am grateful.  Now that I’ve been fully vaccinated, I can plan a trip home and visit family members I haven’t seen in over a year.  My challenging few days are worth it.

What lessons can you learn from your challenging times?