Encouraging and empowering people to live victorious lives in Christ

Posts tagged ‘gratitude’

What are you grateful today?

If you’ve been listening to the news lately, you know that there is a lot going on around the world as well as in our local communities. And we have such busy lives that sometimes we can’t keep up with ourselves!  It can be overwhelming to take it all in.  When I write to you, I often challenge you to make plans and work on your goals so you can achieve what you are called to do. Today, I want to encourage you to do something simple:  be grateful.

No matter what’s happening around us, no matter what’s going on in our lives, there is SOMETHING that we can be thankful for!  It could be our children, our families, our health, good weather, food in the refrigerator or a job.  Whatever it is, and no matter how or big or small, we can be grateful!  Our lives may not be all we want them to be, but we can be grateful for the desire to be better today than we were yesterday!

One of the things I’m thankful for today is cooler weather!  After I write this message, I plan to go for a walk and enjoy the fall temperatures.  

What are you grateful for today?